
About us

"We are two musicians from the south of Germany. Our names are Kurt Seßler (left on the photo) and Werner Zeeb. We have known each other for a long time, but have only been working together since summer 2021".
Kurt Seßler is a songwriter and singer and so he was looking for someone who can implement written songs into well-produced music. 
He immediately thought of Werner Zeeb and so they started working together.
So far they have released an album with twelve songs in 2022 and three singles in 2023 and 2024.
Their music is listed on all common music platforms and some social audio platforms.

We've both been interested in music for as long as we can remember.
We are both born in the same little town Bad Saulgau in the south of Germany and we've known each other since school.
We both played in several bands.
Since 2021 we work together as artist Seßler/Zeeb.

Kurt Seßler is the songwriter, lyricist and singer. 
Werner Zeeb is a is a multi-instrumentalist and producer.
He has a small recording studio and also makes mixes for well-known artists in Germany and Switzerland.

We have a broad taste in music, that ranges from Rock, Pop and Blues to Folk and Jazz. But we would say our Genre is Rock and Pop with some elements of other music styles.
The inspiration is just that we think, we can make good songs and to try to get a wider audience for our music.
We enjoy being creative and making music - but it's a hobby for us.
We are planning further releases for the future - but without pressure and as we like it.

